Danny DeVito Makes Jimmy Fallon Get Uncomfortably Close to His Bare #TrollFoot (Video)

The “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” star has made his foot an internet sensation

Jimmy Fallon came just inches away from putting Danny DeVito‘s foot in his mouth on Wednesday’s “Tonight Show.”

The “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” star whipped out his Troll Foot — a social media sensation — and insisted on placing it on Fallon’s desk so they could pose for a picture for DeVito’s Twitter feed.

Fallon was at first freaked out by the prospect of being so close to a barefoot, but begrudgingly agreed to pose for the cell phone snap that has already been retweeted nearly 2,000 times.

Fans of DeVito should be very familiar with his #TrollFoot, which he started photographing and hashtagging shortly after joining Twitter four years ago. The famous foot has done the Ice Bucket Challenge, enjoyed a tropical vacation, and even appeared in a One Direction music video. But Fallon may have given DeVito’s foot its biggest platform yet.

Watch the video here and scroll down to see the picture.
