James Corden Turns Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement Into Silly Game Show (Video)

The answer to all questions on “Trump Stumpers” is “true” — even if you don’t want it to be

Sorry, Donald Trump — the late-night hosts aren’t taking your presidential run all that seriously.

James Corden turned the Donald’s somewhat all-over-the-place candidacy declaration into game show “Trump Stumpers” on Tuesday. The CBS segment asked contestants whether seemingly outlandish statements were actually made by Trump during his bid announcement. Spoiler alert: They were all true, and they were all pretty out there.

For starters: “I am using my own money. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich.”

It got worse.

“I like China,” Trump said. “I just sold an apartment for $15 million to someone from China. Am I supposed to dislike them?”

Even that wasn’t the most offensive part of Trump’s speech. Watch the video above to see what he has to say about Mexican immigrants. Hint: Trump doesn’t not call them rapists.
