Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp to Launch News and Information Website ‘Heat Street’

“Heat Street will, in a spirit of free speech and no ‘safe spaces,’ cover a variety of topics from a diversity of viewpoints,” News Corp CCO Jim Kennedy tells TheWrap

rupert murdoch heat street news corp fox

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp will launch a “news and information” website called Heat Street that aims to serve a center-right and conservative audience in both the Unites States and the U.K.

“Heat Street will, in a spirit of free speech and no ‘safe spaces,’ cover a variety of topics from a diversity of viewpoints,” News Corp. CCO Jim Kennedy told TheWrap.

Heat Street will be led by former Conservative Party Member of Parliament in the U.K. and self-described feminist Louise Mensch and former TV producer Noah Kotch.

“The field is wide open for diverse, provocative Internet-native content, so we’ll let it be judged by its uniqueness when it launches,” Kennedy said. “We hope to have more to say about it in the coming month or so.”

Mensch took to Twitter to answer some questions:
