Sarah Palin Asks Which Killed More Black People: The Confederate Flag or Planned Parenthood?

Former Vice Presidential candidate poses question in effort to defund women’s reproductive health center

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Sarah Palin threw her two cents into the Planned Parenthood debate on Sunday, suggesting the women’s reproductive rights organization has done more damage to African Americans than the Confederate flag has.

The former Vice Presidential candidate posed the question on Facebook via the following image.



Posted by Sarah Palin on Sunday, July 26, 2015

Palin has posted several more #DefundPlannedParenthood stories over the past few days, representing a position that's widely shared among Republican presidential candidates and conservative media.

The former Fox News contributor was sent packing from the network earlier this month, the network having determined that her viewer appeal is waning.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards spoke to George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" Sunday, claiming controversial videos showing Planned Parenthood staffers talking about selling body parts were "highly edited" and released by "militant pro-life activists."
