Trump Swats Back at Rubio ‘Small Hands’ Accusations: ‘There’s No Problem, I Guarantee’ (Video)

GOP frontrunner kicks off Thursday’s debate in typically crude fashion

Donald Trump kicked off Thursday night’s GOP debate in Detroit in a way that only Trump could: With a crude reference to his private parts, assuring people, “there’s no problem, I guarantee.”

It all started when Sen. Marco Rubio was asked about his recent personal attacks against the Republican presidential frontrunner, specifically his insinuation that Trump has small hands.

“Donald Trump has basically mocked everybody with personal attacks,” Rubio said. “So if there’s anyone who deserves to be attacked that way, it’s Donald Trump for the way he’s treated people in this campaign.”

Rubio continued: “Let’s start talking again about the issues that matter to this country.”

But Trump wanted to make one thing clear, he’s just fine anatomically.

“I have to say this, he hit my hands, no one has ever hit my hands,” Trump said holding up both his hands. “Look at those hands. Are those small hands?”

And just to be sure, he added, “He referred to my hands, if they’re small something else must be small. I guarantee you there’s no problem, I guarantee.”
