After the first week of “Big Brother” this season, it seemed inevitable that Frenchie would be nominated for eviction in the second, and on Sunday night’s episode, he was. And though he seemed defiant in his diary room video after nominations were revealed, apparently, he’s not quite up for a fight.
As Head of Household, Kyland nominated Frenchie and Britini for eviction. His reasoning was that Frenchie has proven himself to be a liar, and Britini is on Frenchie’s team, leading Kyland to believe she would be loyal to her captain rather than anyone else. Of course, the expectation of the house is that the vote will be 12-0 in favor of evicting Frenchie.
Following the reveal of Kyland’s nominations, Frenchie was apparently determined to fight back, saying, “Let me tell you something real quick. I ain’t never quit nothing in my life — I don’t plan on starting now.”
But, just hours later, quitting is exactly what he tried to do. It happened on the live feeds of the show, which viewers can stream online, 24/7. Here’s how the conversation went down with fellow contestant Derek F.
“That’s not how you go out,” Derek F said in response to Frenchie saying he wanted to self-evict. “Can you stop, please?”
“It is and at this point, I’m fine with it,” Frenchie replied before reportedly going into the diary room and asking to self-evict (which was not captured on the live feed).
Given how Frenchie reacted after his pre-nomination conversation with Kyland — going on the warpath through the house and proclaiming “I’m done” to multiple people — it makes sense that he might try this. But few people seem to believe Frenchie really wants to quit.
The question is, if he were serious, can he self-evict himself? Well, it’s only been done once before in the history of “Big Brother,” but it was fairly recent. Megan Lowder, a Navy veteran and contestant on “Big Brother” in season 19, self-evicted after experiencing severe PTSD triggers in the house.
It’s not a common occurrence, by any means. So, will Frenchie actually self-evict? It seems highly unlikely. As viewers have seen, he’s a fairly reactionary player, and tends to let his temper get the best of him. There’s a decent chance Frenchie was using the threat as part of his gameplay.
Then again, the tag of the show is “Expect the unexpected.” Allowing Frenchie to self-evict would be pretty unexpected. Should it come to a vote though, it may not matter. Frenchie has put a pretty large target on his back.