“Watchmen” executive producer Stephen Williams is set to direct the biopic “Chevalier de Saint-Georges” about the life of an 18th-century French composer who history has dubbed “Black Mozart,” based on an original idea from writer Stefani Robinson. The project will be set up at Searchlight Pictures, an individual with knowledge of the project told TheWrap.
Robinson, an Emmy-nominated writer on “Atlanta,” who sold the idea to Searchlight, will write the screenplay for the film. The project is an original screenplay based on her own idea about de Saint-Georges. The film will tell the story of the first known composer of classical music from African descent. Though he was born the illegitimate son of a slave and a French plantation owner, he rose in society and became a renowned violin soloist, as well as a champion fencer.
Searchlight will finance and distribute the film. SVP of production DanTram Nguyen, director of production Zahra Phillips, and manager Cornelia Burleigh, will oversee for the studio.
Williams is a two-time Emmy-nominee for “Lost” and has also directed episodes of “Westworld” and “The Walking Dead.” He directed his debut film “Soul Survivor” in 1995 before primarily turning to television.
Robinson will return for the third season of FX’s “Atlanta,” and she is also an executive producer and writer on the FX series “What We Do in the Shadows” and has an overall deal at the cable network. She will return to “What We Do in the Shadows” Season 3 and the fourth season of FX’s “Fargo.”
WME’s Meyash Prabhu and manager Ken Stovitz negotiated the deal on behalf of Williams.
Robinson is represented by Dianne McGunigle of MGMT Entertainment, Sean Barclay at Gersh, and Lev Ginsburg of Ginsburg Daniels LLP.
Variety first reported the news of the project.