After two long years, James Corden’s beloved “Carpool Karaoke” returned on Wednesday night, this time with Nicki Minaj in the passenger seat. And during her drive she made sure to show off her impressive Adele impersonation.
Minaj and James kicked off their carpool by singing “Anaconda” together. When they finished, Minaj cheekily pressed James on if he now understood the deeper meaning behind the lyrics — while simultaneously slipping into a thick British accent. When Corden pointed out that Minaj sounds like Adele, the rapper went into a full impression of the singer.
Of course, Adele did her own impression of Minaj back when she joined Corden for a “Carpool Karaoke” session in London in 2016, so Corden had to see what Minaj thought about it. And as it turns out, Minaj was a huge fan.
“I just loved it,” Minaj replied. “I mean she just made me so, so happy. She embodied Nicki Minaj!”
Adele’s impression came when she and Corden sang “Monster” on their ride, so naturally that was the next song queued up for Minaj. But as the song kept going, footage of Corden’s part turned into footage of Adele’s, resulting in a duet between her and Nicki Minaj.
“She just naturally has that thing, you know what I mean?” Minaj said, back in her British voice after the song. “But it’s different because she’s singing these sad songs, so you don’t expect it from her.”
Naturally, Corden asked Minaj whether she belts out any of those sad songs, and prompted the rapper by dropping into a few lines from Adele’s hit “Someone Like You.” And yes, Minaj promptly started singing along.
You can watch the full “Carpool Karaoke” segment in the video here and above.