"The Dark Knight Rises" and "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" have made it onto the short list of contenders for Oscars in the Visual Effects category at the 85th Academy Awards, the Academy said Thursday.
The films are included on a list of 10 remaining contenders, a list that also includes "The Amazing Spider-Man," "Cloud Atlas," the big-screen bomb "John Carter," "Life of Pi," "The Avengers," "Prometheus," "Skyfall" and "Snow White and the Huntsman."
Also read: "Dark Knight Rises" Crosses $600M at Overseas Box Office
Members of the Academy's Visual Effects Branch will be given the opportunity to view 10-minute excerpts from the remaining contenders on Jan. 3, after which they will vote for the five films that will be considered for Oscars.
Oscar nominees will be announced Jan. 10, with the Academy Awards ceremony taking place Feb. 24.