Actress’ Eva Green performance in “Sin City: A Dame to Kill For” has already caused quite an uproar.
“I don’t really get it. I don’t understand all the fuss,” she said during an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Tuesday night.
First, the MPAA rejected her character poster for the upcoming film by directors Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller because it showed too much breast, nipple and nudity underneath a sheer gown. Then, when the film’s full trailer was released, ABC rejected it because of racy scenes featuring Green’s character, Ava Lord.
Also read: This ‘Sin City’ Eva Green Poster Has Too Much Nipple for the MPAA (Photo)
“The gun is fine. No problem with the gun,” she said as they looked over the rejected character poster. “That’s the thing. Boobs have never killed anyone.” She did amend this to factor in the possibility of suffocation.
Green also talked about her constant nudity in the film, admitting that she’d originally figured they weren’t going to follow Miller’s graphic novels that closely. But Rodriguez told her she was going to have to be nude, promising it would be filmed with taste and style.
Also read: ‘Sin City 2’ Ad Rejected by ABC Because Eva Green’s Too Sexy
“I knew the first “Sin City” was rather beautiful. It’s like kind of film noir,” Green said. “It is beautiful. It’s not vulgar. It’s not indecent … It’s a fantasy.”
She said that the nudity is not gratuitous for the character, either, who uses her sexuality as a weapon. But while Green was fully on board, she said that her father in particular wasn’t at all comfortable with the nudity in the role. To the point that she couldn’t even say for sure that he was happy about her role in the film at all.