Fan Seemingly Decodes Mark Ruffalo’s Bleeped Out ‘Avengers 4’ Title

Ruffalo tried to say the title on Fallon Friday night, but “The Tonight Show” bleeped out the declaration

the tonight show with jimmy fallon mark ruffalo avengers 4 title

(Potential spoilers for the title of “Avengers 4” are below, in case you’re among the few who don’t want to know.)

On Friday night, the Incredible Hulk himself, Mark Ruffalo, appeared on “The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon,” and, of course, Fallon pried for any details he might want to share about “Avengers 4.” After acknowledging that time he accidentally blurted out the ending of “Infinity War” a year ago, Ruffalo seemingly announced the “Avengers 4” title.

Except we didn’t get to hear it because “The Tonight Show” bleeped out the audio and covered his mouth with a black bar. You can watch that whole sequence here:

The whole thing was probably just a joke, and that idea was reinforced moments later when Ruffalo started to detail part of the plot of the movie only to be bleeped out for nearly the entire minute during which he described the upcoming film.

But it’s possible that Ruffalo really did blurt out the “Avengers 4” title. And one fan dug into the audio to try to figure out what Ruffalo said. Utilizing a series of audio filters, Twitter user Anton Volkov got past the noise and posted the filtered clip.

It sounds like the title that Ruffalo said is “The Last Avenger.”

Given how self-aware Ruffalo was throughout the interview about his propensity for leaking sensitive info, there’s about a 99 percent chance that all of this was just for fun and Ruffalo didn’t actually say the title of “Avengers 4” or reveal any plot.

Especially considering the playful back and forth between Ruffalo and “Avengers 4” directors Anthony and Joe Russo on Twitter that followed the interview.

So, yeah, this is almost definitely not real and is all just these guys having fun with all the secrecy surrounding this movie. Anyway, it’s only a few months longer until we find out everything about “Avengers 4” when it comes out on May 3 of next year. And then we can all move on with our lives.
