Greg Gutfeld Argues Hunter Biden’s Laptop Could Be the Cause of a Global Famine (Video)

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Fox News Channel’s Greg Gutfeld has a theory about how worldwide starvation could sweep the planet and devastate civilization – and a laptop formerly owned by Hunter Biden will have triggered the whole thing.

On Friday’s “The Five,” Gutfeld used Ashton Kutcher’s 2004 time-travel film “The Butterfly Effect” to explain that if global food shortages such as the one President Joe Biden warned of at the NATO Summit in Brussels on Thursday do happen, they can all be traced back to that one computer, which happens to have belonged to the president’s son.  

“This is a consequence of the laptop cover-up,” he deduced.

“Did you enjoy the movie ‘The Butterfly Effect’?” he asked panelist Jessica Tarlov. In the film, Kutcher’s character goes back in time and alters events, with even slight changes bringing momentous ramifications.

“Let’s do the butterfly here using the laptop,” he continued. “Number one, the New York Post publishes the laptop story and then tech and media and the Democrats collude together to bury it. So, instead of losing the election, which [Trump] would have [won] if that was public, he wins the election, thanks to cabal. And then the unpredictable force of Trump is missing.”

He continued, saying that the Ukraine war would never have happened if we hadn’t ended up with “Obama Part III: the Cocoon Edition,” as Gutfeld described Biden’s presidency, referencing Ron Howard’s senior citizens meet aliens movie.

“Then Putin sees that opening, uses the U.S./Ukraine agreement, re: NATO on Nov. 10 to invade.” The clear result by that sci-fi film-based logic? “Famine!” Gutfeld asserted. “That’s the butterfly effect. It goes all the way back to the laptop coverup. You can publish that and make it into a movie.”

Check out the clip at the top.
