The adult animated comedy series “South Park” is back with its 26th season, and the same crew — Cartman, Kenny, Kyle and Stan — are all back as well.
The Season 26 trailer of the politically satirical, sometimes offensive and always hilarious adult series opened with Butters in an extremely strange situation, showing how viewers will never be able to know just exactly what’s in store.
Coming off the height of its 25th anniversary, the series is now the longest-running cable-scripted series. And it won’t be ending any time soon, as it will continue on through 2027 to reach 30 seasons as part of MTV Entertainment Studios’ deal with the show’s creators Matt Stone and Trey Park.
How Can I Watch “South Park” Season 26?
“South Park” Season 26 premiered on Wednesday, February 8 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central, with new episodes airing on Wednesdays at the same time.
Are New Episodes Streaming?
Yes, you can stream each new episode of “South Park” in HD on, and the Comedy Central App post-premiere. Each episode will also be streaming on HBO Max the next day.
What Is “South Park About”?
“South Park” follows a group of uncivil 10-year-old boys, Stan, Cartman, Kyle and Kenny, as they navigate quirky and wild adventures in South Park, Colorado. The series is based on the VHS-shared animated short “The Spirit of Christmas.”
When Did “South Park” Come Out?
“South Park” made its debut premiere on August 13, 1997.
Who Created “South Park”?
The series was created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
Who Is In the Cast of “South Park”?
The main cast includes Stan (Parker), Cartman (Stone), Kyle (Stone) and Kenny (Stone).