Herschel Walker has proven to be fertile late night fodder for the last several months – but Jimmy Fallon and co. are kicking it into high gear as the Georgia runoffs near ever closer.
In a monologue mostly dedicated to riffs on Thanksgiving – “Some of you are you excited to see your family while the rest of you are about to draw an extra line on a COVID test” – Fallon couldn’t help but dig into the former pro footballer-turned-senatorial candidate’s latest flub, in which he said “erection” instead of “election” live on-air.
“Well, first of all, this election is more than Herschel Walker. This erection is about the people,” Walker said on Fox News, snug between senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham. Of course, he intended to say “this election is for the people” – but then again, he’s never been much of a public speaker anyway.
“Last night, ahead of the Senate runoff in Georgia, Herschel Walker was on Fox News, and he had a bit of slip-up while talking about the election,” Fallon said in the set-up, concluding, “Woah! Somebody’s excited about the runoffs!”
It’s just the latest flub in Walker’s ongoing campaign in Georgia against Sen. Raphael Warnock, one that’s found him lying on several counts, caught him up in two years-old abortion scandals, lost the public respect and endorsement of his son and more.
Watch Fallon’s full monologue, which is otherwise sure to get you in the holiday spirit, above.