Former GOP speaker of the House John Boehner went off-script while recording the audio version of his memoir “On the House” and told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to “go f— yourself,” according to a Thursday report from Axios.
“Poured myself a glass of something nice to read my audiobook. You can blame the wine for the expletives,” the former congressman tweeted early Thursday, posting a photo of himself near his recording setup and gripping a glass of red wine.
Boehner’s new book, “On the House: A Washington Memoir,” is due to be released in audio and print version on April 13. Reps for St. Martin’s Press, Boehner and Cruz did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
This is not the first time that the Ohio Republican, who served as House Speaker from 2011 to 2015, has taken Cruz to task. In the past, Boehner has called Cruz a “miserable son of a bitch” and “Lucifer in the flesh.”
More recently, Cruz has been under fire from seemingly everyone else, especially after he was spotted jumping on a plane to Cancun, Mexico while millions of his constituents in his state went without water or power after a snow storm. Dozens, in fact, died.
Cruz later insisted he was just dropping his kids off in Mexico, though texts from his wife to neighbors were leaked that showed the family was planning to get out of their “freezing” home for a few days together. Cruz lashed out at the leakers, calling them “assholes.”