Ken Bone Called Pregnant Women ‘Beautiful Human Submarines’ on Porn Thread

If you ever become suddenly famous, remember to look over your old Reddit comments

ken bone debate

Presidential debate hero Ken Bone didn’t delete old Reddit posts before he asked fans to step into the Bone Zone for a Reddit AMA on Thursday — so some dug up his old comments on pregnant woman in bikinis and the “sexual satisfaction” he found after a vasectomy.

Bone once chimed in on a thread called “PreggoPorn” to refer to pregnant women as “beautiful human submarines.”

Between the sexual comments and his take on Trayvon Martin‘s death, the Reddit session could be seen as backfiring for Bone, but he doesn’t seem to care.

“I’m not running for president. I can say whatever I want,” Bone said when asked about the comments, according to the Associated Press.

Bone discussed the benefits of a vasectomy, writing, “I had mine done 2 years ago. Sexual satisfaction is way up.” He said his wife “loves it too” and that he “can’t recommend it enough.”

Bone became an instant celebrity during the second presidential debate by asking a question about energy in his now-famous red sweater. He has sparked Internet memes and Halloween costumes and has appeared on a variety of major talk shows.

It remains to be seen if he’ll extend his 15 minutes now that everyone knows some of his personal details.
