Once again, Lindsay Lohan won't be arrested.
The actress met her $200,000 bail with a standard 1/10th payment of $20,000 late Tuesday. The bench warrant issued by Judge Marsha Revel just hours beforehand was immediately revoked.
Earlier in the day, the L.A. Superior Court judge had Deputy District Attonrey Danette Meyers and Lohan's lawyer Shawn Chapmen Holley in her chambers, following reports that the alcohol detection device on the actress’ ankle went off at a MTV Movie Awards after-party on June 7 (photo at left).
The results were compelling enough to Revel that she doubled Lohan's previous posted bail of $100,000 and issued the warrant.
Lohan was outfitted with a Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor on her ankle on May 24 after the Judge decided that the actress, who missed an earlier hearing due to her passport supposedly going missing while in France, had not been meeting the requirements of her alcohol education classes.
The actress was not only fitted with the SCRAM, but also ordered to stay away from all alcohol and to submit to weekly random drug tests, as well as diligently attend her alcohol program.
On Tuesday afternoon, as the judge, the D.A. and her lawyer were gathering, Lohan was putting up a series of posts on her Twitter account denying the SCRAM had gone off or that she had done anything, such as spraying perfume on it.
"I did not violate anything at all," Lohan wrote. "My scram wasn't set off-Its physically impossible considering I've nothing for it to go off-All of these false resports are absolutely wrong."
A spokesperson from the D.A.'s office confirmed later Tuesday that the violation was "alcohol-related."
Lohan's lawyer admitted later on Tuesday that Lindsay's SCRAM revealed "presence of a small amount of alcohol."
"Having just received the report, I am not in a position to speak to its accuracy or validity," Holley said in a statement, "however Ms. Lohan maintains that she has been in complete compliance with all of the terms of her probation and her bail."
Lohan is due back in court on July 6 when the Revel will determine whether she actress violated her probation by missing a May 20 progress hearing. If the judge concludes there was a probation violation, the actress could end up behind bars … and not the type where they serve cocktails.
Lohan, more a tabloid fixture than a big screen presence in recent years despite attempts at a comeback, has been on probation since August 2007, when she pleaded guilty to misdemeanor drug charges and no contest to three driving-related charges.