Why Mario Batali Bought 200 Pairs of Crocs

Discontinue his favorite color at your own peril

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New Yorkers know that they can spot celebrity chef Mario Batali by his brightly colored footwear.

However, the owner of Big Apple culinary hotspots like Babbo and “Molto Mario” star recently faced his own doomsday scenario when it came to his signature orange crocs. The company’s decision to discontinue  shoes in that color left him with no choice but to stock up.

“I just ordered 200 more because they’re about to take orange out of the field,” Batali told Details magazine. “They made a special run for me before they retired the color.”

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The decision by the good people at Crocs left Batali in a philosophical frame of mind, with a brief detour into faux outrage.

“They’re gonna stop the Mario Batali orange!” he said. “It’s preposterous! But they’re doing pretty well without me. Nothing lasts forever, baby.”

The good news for Batali is that People magazine did the math and with his most recent order, he should have enough orange Crocs to last him until he’s 103.

Now he’s cooking with gas.
