Seth Meyers brought back his “A Closer Look” segment on Tuesday after using his usual interlude segment on Monday to tell an amazing and heartwarming story of his wife giving birth in the lobby of his apartment building, but Meyers was back in full force with an epic segment last night about Donald Trump’s whole situation in the wake of the FBI raid of his personal attorney Michael Cohen’s home and office.
“It’s hard to imagine how Donald Trump can be in more legal jeopardy than he is right now. Basically, Trump has more legal problems than Conor McGregor and just as many concussions,” Meyers joked. “And yet somehow things got much worse yesterday for Trump.”
Meyers then dove through the many levels of madness involved in the Cohen raid.
“Just to recap: the FBI, an organization Trump has attacked for months, raided the office of Michael Cohen, his longtime personal fixer, and seized tax documents, which he has repeatedly refused to release, related to campaign finance violations during the election involving Stormy Daniels, the porn star he allegedly had an affair with, on a referral from Robert Mueller, the special counsel in the Russia investigation,” Meyers said breathlessly.
“This is like the series finale of a TV show where they try to tie all the different plot lines together. ‘Oh, it’s Michael Cohen from season 1, what’s he doing in this episo– oh!’ If Trump ever goes on trial, they’re going to call characters from previous episodes into the courtroom like the last episode of ‘Seinfeld. ‘Oh, no, Anthony Scaramucci, what did I do to you?’ ‘No Mooch for you!’
Meyers then wryly described Trump’s angry Twitter response to everything going on Tuesday morning.
“Of course when news like this breaks we can always count on our calm, rational president to react in a measured way and he once again rose to the occasion this morning when he got up bright and early and tweeted these reassuring words to a nation in turmoil: ‘Attorney-client privilege is dead!’ And then less than a minute later he added this helpful follow-up, ‘A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!!!’” Meyers said.
“So the feds seized Trump’s communications with his lawyers and the next morning Trump woke up and screamed, ‘Attorney-client privilege is dead!’ What is Trump’s strategy here? To act so guilty the feds will think he has to be innocent? You know, the insanity defense only works after you’ve been arrested, right? ‘they can’t arrest me if I’m crazy. Quick, somebody get me a diaper I can wear as a hat.”
You can watch all of the “A Closer Look” segment from Tuesday’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers” in the video embedded at the top of this post.