‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah Lampoons Fox News’ Parkland Coverage With His Own Bad Ideas For Stopping School Shootings (Video)

Noah took aim at Fox News pundits who proposed every possible solution under the sun except for gun control laws

“The Daily Show” was on hiatus last week, and in its first episode back since the deadly school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. host Trevor Noah went directly at Fox News’ coverage of the aftermath.

Specifically, Noah took issue with Fox News’ handling of the gun discussion in the wake of this latest school shooting, and how many of its pundits, such as Newt Ginrich, tried to come up with ways to prevent school shootings that didn’t involve stricter gun laws.

“If you told someone that they had to solve gun violence but couldn’t talk about guns, most people would be like, ‘Well, there’s nothing I can do.’ But most people are not Fox News,” Noah said before dropping an array of video clips of Fox News commentators making the effort.

You can watch this full portion of Tuesday’s “Daily Show” embedded above.

“Wait wait wait, is she still speaking about schools?” Noah asked after a clip showed one of the pundits listing off some security measures schools should try, such as putting cops in classrooms and establishing “perimeter control” around school buildings. “Because it sounds like she’s trying to build a compound in ‘The Walking Dead’”

Occasionally Noah would break up the commentary by providing his own ideas for school security that he thought would be fit for Fox News. Instead of banning guns, he mused, they should ban schools.

“Everyone gets home schooled, that way nobody can shoot their friends, because home-schooled kids don’t have any friends” Noah said. “Problem solved.”

Later he decided to scrap that idea, and provided an alternative: “We keep the schools, and equip them with huge supermagnets. Then, when the shooting starts, the teacher presses a button and the supermagnet grabs everything metallic. I mean yeah we’d lose a few kids with braces, but that’s the price of freedom!”

Later in the segment, Noah offered up some jokes at the expense of Senator Marco Rubio’s comments about how stricter gun laws wouldn’t help anyway, comparing the GOP stance on guns to that of the outspoken students who survived the shooting: “The kids are acting like adults and the adults are acting like children.”
