Trevor Noah Imagines Darth Vader Voiced by Donald Trump: ‘They’ve Never Seen a Better Father’ (Video)

He also threw in impressions as Chris Rock and John Oliver following the news of James Earl Jones’ retirement

James Earl Jones is retiring from voicing Darth Vader and, even though Disney will use artificial intelligence to recreate his voice for future projects, Trevor Noah couldn’t help but imagine what it would sound like if someone else took on the iconic voice role during Monday’s episode of “The Daily Show.”

Before jumping into the impressions, he joked: “You see? ‘The Little Mermaid becomes Black and they take away James Earl Jones! I told you there would be backlash!”

“I’m joking,” he continued, adding that he was “a little nervous” about the idea that artificial intelligence would be used to keep using Jones’ voice for the part.

“We think A.I. is going to take over the world, and now we’re going to teach it to use the dark side of the Force? No one thinks this is a bad idea?” he said.

But, he had to admit that A.I. seemed like a better solution than bringing someone else in for the role, adding: “The last thing we need is them opening the role up to other famous people. You know when they do that with roles and then it becomes weird? Can you imagine Darth Vader voiced by someone else?”

Well, we don’t actually have to imagine, because Noah did it for us! He proceeded to give us impressions of Chris Rock, John Oliver and Donald Trump voicing the “Star Wars” character.

As Chris Rock, he began: “Luke, I am your father! But until your mama shows me the paternity test, you can just call me Uncle Darth.”

Noah then moved on to fellow late night host John Oliver, saying: “And for our main story tonight, I am your father. That’s right, Luke. I am your daddy. And yes, that upsets me as much as it upsets you, Luke.”

Last but not least, he had to get in a zinger about Donald Trump: “A lot of people are saying I’m your father, Luke. They’re saying they’ve never seen a better father, and they’re right. I love all my children. It’s you, it’s Ivanka, and that’s it.”

You can watch the full segment above.
