Zack Snyder Releases ‘Knightmarish’ Poster of HBO Max’s ‘Batman v Superman – Ultimate Edition’

Poster features Batman in one of the more well-received moments in “BvS”

batman v superman steve mnuchin
Warner Bros

Zack Snyder has been giving his fans all the goods lately. In addition to the long-awaited “Snyder Cut” of “Justice League” coming next year, HBO Max has now released the “Ultimate Edition” of the director’s critically panned “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” and there’s a new poster to go with it.

The Ultimate Edition of “Batman v Superman” adds a half-hour of extended and deleted scenes to the film, making it more violent than the PG-13 theatrical cut but also fixing many of the complaints that critics and fans had about the narrative. While the new version maintains Snyder’s polarizing darker portrayal of Batman and Superman, it’s regarded as a noted improvement over the version that hit theaters in March 2016. When HBO Max launched in May, the theatrical version was the only one available, but it has since been removed and replaced with the “Ultimate Edition.”

In honor of the release, Snyder showed off a new poster featuring Ben Affleck’s Batman during one of the more well-received moments in “BvS”: the Knightmare scene. The apocalyptic vision of a future where Batman leads an army in a desperate defense against an evil Superman sent fans into a frenzy of theory-making, particularly as it teased the coming of DC supervillain Darkseid, who will appear in the Snyder Cut. Batman’s dust-covered, armor-wearing figure was the basis of the “Ultimate Edition” poster, which featured the tagline: “Of course he’s real. He’s on HBO Max.

“Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition” is available now to stream. “Justice League: Snyder Cut” will be released on HBO Max in 2021.
