Corgi Orgy: The 5 Best Corgi Scenes in 2016, From ‘BFG’ to ‘The Crown’ (Videos)

Queen Elizabeth II’s fave dog has made some memorable onscreen appearances this year

corgi 2016 brooklyn nine nine bfg dirk gently

“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”

In the February episode “Cheddar,” Amy and Jake manage to lose Holt’s beloved corgi, Cheddar, when they house-sit for the captain while he takes his hubby to Paris.

“The Crown”

The Netflix series about the young Queen Elizabeth II (Claire Foy) features several too-brief scenes featuring the British monarch with her beloved Welsh pets — they even keep a visiting Prime Minister Winston Churchill company while he waits for the queen at Buckingham Palace.

“The BFG”

Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of Roald Dahl’s book includes a memorable scene in which the Queen of England — and her three corgis — drink a fizzy green beverage called frobscottle from Giantland that has some hilariously gassy side effects.

“Infinity Train”

In the pilot for the Cartoon Network series, our heroine Tulip finds herself in Corgiana, a land ruled by a King Atticus, “uniter of the Cardigans and Pembrokes” (the two breeds of corgi).

“Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency”

In the BBC America’s bizarro adaptation of the Douglas Adams novels, a supernatural detective (Samuel Barrett) and his reluctant bellhop sidekick (Elijah Wood) keep running into a corgi who seems central to their investigations — at one point, the dog swaps bodies with a woman.
