‘Sesame Street’ Turns ‘House of Cards’ Into Piggy Parody (Video)

Frank Underwolf learns the pitfalls of ambition in spot-on send-up

Netflix’s “House of Cards” just got the “Sesame Street” treatment in a new video — and the results are as hilarious as they are adorable.

Disregarding for a moment the fact that a beloved children’s show is parodying one that includes a “Meechsome,” “House of Bricks” tells the familiar story of the “Three Little Pigs” through the eyes of the Big Bad Wolf — Frank Underwolf to be precise.

“Some people say there’s too much pork in this town; I could not agree more.” Underwolf says before he gets ready to blowwww a house down.

The clip contains nods to running devices in the Netflix series, including those text message bubbles and Underwolf’s — er, Underwood’s — ring tap.

Being Sesame “Street,” of course, the video is still quite educational, teaching viewers about subtraction and the dangers of blind ambition.

Watch the “Sesame Street” “House of Cards” parody here.
