Sansa vs. Arya, Daenerys vs. Cersei, Jon vs. the Night King — all the conflicts are ready to go for the end of Season 7. Here are the crazy things we think might close down Season 7 and set up the climactic Season 8.

Most of the major players will gather in King’s Landing to discuss a ceasefire…and Cersei will try to kill everyone.
Daenerys, Jon Snow, Euron and their respective entourages will show up to make their pitch about how everyone should team up to deal with the White Walker apocalypse that’s on the way. But Cersei is going to try to pull a gambit similar to when she blew up the Sept of Baelor in the season 6 finale and take out all her enemies at once. This time it won’t work so well, though.

Fans have been waiting for a real showdown between the two Celgane brothers, Sandor “The Hound” and Gregor “The Mountain,” basically for the entire run of the show, and there seems to be a very good chance they’ll be in the same place at the same time for the first time in a while. The two have some pretty horrific baggage between them: When they were kids, Gregor shoved Sandor into a fire for playing with his toys, which is why the Hound sports vicious scars and a fear of flame. Cersei’s ambush would provide the perfect backdrop for these two to finally have it out.
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Brienne winds up saving the day.
Everybody, including the characters on the show, knows Cersei is almost certainly planning to betray and attempt to kill everyone who shows up at King’s Landing. The questions is, how? But while Cersei has gotten pretty good at anticipating other people’s moves, there’s one person she isn’t expecting to deal with: Brienne of Tarth. She’s consistently an X-factor of a character and one of the best warriors in Westeros, plus she has a relationship with Jaime that could affect what he does — and whether he follows Cersei’s orders.
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Cersei kills Jaime.
We admit that this is probably a longshot, but things are a bit strained between Cersei and Jaime. For one thing, has Cersei has gotten meaner, tougher, and more lethal, Jaime has gotten more merciful, somewhat more honorable, and generally less horrible. That puts them at odds, especially after Jaime met with Tyrion to set up the meeting between the leaders in King’s Landing. Cersei saw it as a betrayal, and said as much. And while she still loves Jaime, the two are quickly becoming incompatible.

Fans have long suspected that it might be Jaime (as opposed to Tyrion) who kills Cersei. That’s based on what a witch told her when she was young — the Valyrian prophecy translates Cersei’s eventual end coming at the hands of “the little brother,” which could be either the younger Tyrion or the twin born second, Jaime. But with Cersei a formidable force seemingly free of sentiment and Jaime flagging in his devotion (even with her pregnancy news), it would make a pretty big season finale bang if the Mad Queen did away with her lover-brother as she continues to consolidate her power.
Also Read: “Game of Thrones”: Cersei’s Prophecy Is Not Finished Yet

Bronn, Tyrion and Podrick share a broment
Once again in the same place at the same time, Tyrion and his former dudes meet up for the first time in ages in the most bittersweet moment since Ygritte decided not to shoot Jon in the chest with an arrow because she loved him, and then died. Later, as everything undoubtedly goes to hell at King’s Landing because of whatever awfulness Cersei winds up deploying, Bronn, Tyrion and Pod see each other across a burning square or from opposite ends of battlements, and long for the days when they were the best buds.

The incest we’ve been looking forward to will finally happen.
The will-they/when-will-they relationship between Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow has been a slow burn all through Season 7. The question of when the pair will finally become a couple has been on everyone’s mind, but it’s clearly going to happen. Leaks and fan theories about the eventual copulation have landed under the hashtag “#Boatsex” in the various spoiler forums because everyone expects it to happen on a boat. Like the boat from Eastwatch to Dragonstone the pair were on at the end of the last episode, in fact….

Jon Snow’s true parentage is finally revealed, officially.
Roughly around the time Jon and Daenerys start to get comfortable with each other, expect the characters on the show to discover something that viewers have known for a while: Jon is a Targaryen, he’s Daenerys nephew, and he has a better claim to the Iron Throne than she does. It’s an item that’ll put strain on their relationship and divide the loyalties of lots of people in the realm, even if neither Jon nor Daenerys want that to actually happen. That’s exactly the sort of thing that will create great drama going into Season 8.
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Bran has a plan and finally explains it, but weirdly.
What’s the point of Bran being the Three-Eyed Raven? So far, it’s been hard to tell. Bran’s superpowers for seeing things in the past and possessing the minds of animals gave the good guys some information about the Night King, and it allowed Bran to weird out his family (as well as Littlefinger). But there’s reason to suspect Bran is more of a player in Season 7 than we’ve seen so far. That clutch save by Uncle Benjen in Episode 6 has Bran’s raven talon marks all over it. In Episode 7, we’re finally going to find out what it is, and why his multi-season trek beyond the Wall was worth it.

Littlefinger loses his head.
In Winterfell, a power struggle has been brewing between Sansa, Littlefinger and Arya all season. Arya seems to suspect Sansa is trying to oust Jon and become Queen in the North. Sansa doesn’t trust Littlefinger but also can’t get by without his support. Littlefinger is trying to use everyone to achieve his ultimate goal of sitting the Iron Throne, preferably with Sansa as his wife. But there are plenty of clues so far that Sansa and Arya are on to Littlefinger’s manipulations.

Episode 6 of Season 7 was the most telling, in which Arya seemed to go full bore on mistrusting Sansa, falling right into Littlefinger’s trap. But in their conversation in Arya’s room, Arya mentioned the Game of Faces she played in Braavos — one in which you tell lies and try to make them sound like truths. There’s definitely more going on between them than meets the eye. Littlefinger turned Sansa into the political force she now is, and Arya has seen her share of intrigue, making the Stark girls the match Littlefinger hasn’t met anywhere else in the Seven Kingdoms.
Also Read: “Game of Thrones”: Everyone in Winterfell Has Secret Plans and We Don’t Know What They Are

The Wall comes down.
We know, thanks to an infodump from Benjen Stark last season that magic spells cast into the Wall prevent the dead from passing through. The Night King has been wandering around the Lands of Always Winter seemingly doing nothing for two seasons, but who knows what they’ve actually been doing — the White Walkers and the army of the dead have pretty much had all the lands beyond the Wall to themselves ever since Jon Snow let the Wildlings past the Wall. The Night King must have some kind of plan to bring the Wall down (possibly involving the fabled Horn of Winter from the books), and enacting that plan would be one hell of a way to end season 7.

Need more theories? Check out our list of 23 extremely interesting “Game of Thrones” fan theories for Season 7 and beyond.