Hollywood Preps for the Oscars

The word from Mumbai! Soirees meet hard times! The web beating the telecast! Inside secrets of a luxe hotel — watch the slide show!

TheWrap offers you a tour of the entertainment landscape as we head into the movie industry’s most important weekend of the year.


What are they talking about in Mumbai, as "Slumdog Millionaire" heads into an apparent victory march toward Best Picture? Read what Indians are saying about their favorite movies of the year and the chances of their homegrown hit.


We tell you about why the ratings for awards shows are dropping: it’s not that audiences don’t like the Oscar or the Golden Globes. It’s because everyone is looking at their favorite moments online, instead of on television.


What about the parties this year? Guess what — less is more. Jenny Sundel takes you a tour of the eco-friendly (read "recycled"; read "cheap") Vanity Fair shin-dig.


And photographer Jonathan Alcorn spends a week behind the scenes at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles watching as they prepare for the stars’ arrival.


