The feature film “Lone Survivor” and the television series “Game of Thrones” have won SAG Awards for their stunt ensembles, the Screen Actors Guild announced on Saturday afternoon before the start of the 20th annual SAG Awards.
The awards were revealed on the SAG Awards red carpet by actors Scott Bakula and Shelley Fabares.
Peter Berg‘s “Lone Survivor,” based on the true story of an American Navy SEAL unit trapped in Taliban territory in Afghanistan, was competing with “Fast & Furious 6,” “Rush,” “The Wolverine” and “All Is Lost.”
Also read: SAG Awards 2013: The Nominees (Photos)
The last of those nominations was considered unusual, in that the film’s two stuntmen were nominated but lead actor Robert Redford, who did many of his own stunts, was left out in SAG’s best-actor category.
“Game of Thrones” won for the third consecutive time in the seven-year history of the award. The HBO show was competing with “Boardwalk Empire,” “Breaking Bad,” “Homeland” and “The Walking Dead.”
The SAG Awards begin at 5 p.m. Pacific, 8 p.m. Eastern. TheWrap will update the winners as they are named.
The winners:
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture
“Lone Survivor” (Universal Pictures)
Daniel Arroyo
Jeff Bramstedt
Laurence Chavez
Scott Cosgrove
J.J. Dashnaw
Zack Duhame
Ed Duran
Al Goto
Sean Graham
Mitchell Hall
Johnny Hoffman
Brian Howe
David Lane
David Perry
Kevin Scott
Ryan Staats
Tim Trella
Keith Woulard
Nico Woulard
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series
“Game of Thrones” (HBO)
Rachelle Beinart
Richard Bradshaw
Ben Dimmock
Levan Doran
Jamie Edgell
Bradley Farmer
Jozsef Fodor
Dave Forman
Paul Herbert
Paul Howell
Daniel Naprous
Florian Robin
CC Smiff
Roy Taylor