How Finance Invaded Tech and Sparked the Silicon Valley Bank Backlash | PRO Insight

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People don’t see the technology industry as they once did – and it almost cost the sector a rescue

Illustration of a dollar sign in an integrated circuit
Illustration of a dollar sign in an integrated circuit

In the early 2010s, hundreds of technologists would pack NYU’s Skirball Center for the monthly New York Tech Meetup. At the event, local developers would show off their latest products. And depending on the slate, you might see new dating websites, funny weather bots, or Foursquare plugins that made you look busy while you did nothing.

The meetup had just one rule: Show the tech. Anyone with a long preamble got “Get to the demo!” heckled at them. Founders who discussed their VC funding got booed. There was a feeling that tech was there to be useful, fun and challenge the establishment. How you made money was secondary.
