First Reactions to ‘Star Wars: the Last Jedi’ Are In: ‘I Can’t Wait to See It Again’

The people who attended the world premiere of “The Last Jedi” liked it as much as they liked “Rogue One” and “The Force Awakens”

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The previous two movies in the Disney era of “Star Wars” were well-loved by people who tweeted after seeing it at their respective world premieres in Los Angeles, and it should come as no surprise that the reaction is pretty much the same with the response immediately after the premiere screen of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.”

The response, in general, is extremely positive and even enthusiastic. TheWrap’s own Umberto Gonzalez called it “AWESOME!” (the all caps and exclamation point are his, meaning he’s super serious about it being awesome), and quite a lot of people who attended Saturday’s premiere are comparing it to “The Empire Strikes Back.” Or, at least, they’re declaring it the new third best film in the series. Others are wisely waiting to make such inflammatory claims, however, until they’ve had time to think about it further.

And yes, people seem to love porgs.

The rest of the press, including this writer, will be seeing “The Last Jedi” on Monday. If you want my reaction, tune into my twitter at about 1 p.m. PST Monday afternoon.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” aka “Episode VIII” follows up on JJ Abrams’ “The Force Awakens,” which saw a new generation of characters face off against the offspring of the Galactic Empire, known as the First Order. “The Last Jedi” is written and directed by Rian Johnson and stars Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Laura Dern and Benicio del Toro, alongside returning “Star Wars” veterans Mark  Hamill and Carrie Fisher.
