“The Family Stallone,” a docuseries following prolific actor and filmmaker Sylvester Stallone and his family, will debut on Paramount+ later this spring, bringing the “Tulsa King” actor into the streamer’s reality fold. The show will star Sylvester Stallone, his wife Jennifer Falvin Stallone and daughters Sophia, Sistine and Scarlet, the latter of whom appear alongside Sly in a new Paramount+ Super Bowl spot released on Thursday that you can watch below.
Featuring eight episodes, the series is co-produced by MTV Entertainment Studios and Bunim-Murray Productions. After playing some of the most legendary characters in cinematic history, the three-time Oscar nominee is ready to give cameras access to what he would consider the greatest role of his lifetime: being a father. The series offers a “seat at the table of one of Hollywood’s most famous families.”
Per the synopsis: “While he’s the man, the myth and the legend to the world, Stallone is simply known as “Dad” to his daughters. While he headlines box office smash hits, at home he is focused on building for the future and raising three independent and ambitious women. The series will also explore Jennifer’s entrepreneurship; born and raised in Los Angeles, she is the co-owner of the wellness brand Serious Skin Care.”
The synopsis continues: “The eldest of the three Stallone sisters, Sophia has no interest in following in her father’s acting footsteps. Although she currently hosts a podcast, ‘Unwaxed,’ alongside her sister Sistine, she is still finding her path in life. An actress and model, Sistine is embarking on a new journey as a filmmaker and is currently in development on her first feature film. The youngest of the Stallone sisters, Scarlet is moving into her own apartment at college. She has been set on following in her father’s footsteps and becoming an actress since she was a child, appearing alongside him on Paramount+’s Taylor Sheridan series ‘Tulsa King.’”
“The Family Stallone” executive producers include Benjamin Hurvitz, Jessica Zalkind and Nadim Amiry. Julie Pizzi, Farnaz Farjam and Jonathan Singer serve as EPs for Bunim-Murray Productions, with Lauren Goldstein, Valana Hunn, Chris Ray and Jason Williams as co-executive producers.