Watch Outtakes from Conan & Dave Franco’s Creepy Tinder Segment (Video)

Tinder tip No. 1: Don’t wear a wedding ring

Conan O’Brien and Dave Franco‘s deliberately creepy exploration of Tinder barely began to reveal the depths of their Tinderness.

Last week, the two gauged women’s reactions to their arriving for dates in a van. But in newly released outtakes, it gets shadier: O’Brien puzzles over how young is too young for his potential Tinder dates, contemplates how far he’s willing to drive and realizes after the fact that he forgot to remove his wedding ring for one picture.

Also read: Conan Billboard Seeks Emmy for ‘Sharktopus Vs. Pteracuda’

Then again, maybe full disclosure is the best way to go in these situations. O’Brien also comes up with a thoughtful response to a young woman who doesn’t approve of “booty calls.”

“I don’t like booty calls either,” he tells Franco to type. “Um, so we’re good to f—.”

Watch the video:
