Watch ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Director Taika Waititi Be Weird on Set in Behind-the-Scenes Gag Reel (Video)

Get hyped for the home video release by watching this wacky featurette

If you loved “Thor: Ragnarok” you’re kinda stuck in limbo right now — there’s probably not any theaters near you still showing the movie, and there’s still several weeks before you can buy your own copy (it’ll be available digitally on Feb. 20 and on disc March 6).

But if you need your fix of the wackiest Marvel movie yet, you can sort of get it, thanks to this goofy behind-the-scenes gag reel that the folks behind the movie put together for the home video release. It’s not your typical gag reel — this video doesn’t feature much in the way of outtakes, but is much more focused on the antics of writer/director Taika Waititi on set. You can watch the video embedded above.

And also not on set. The video opens with Waititi singing an improvised song to go with the Marvel Studios logo that they put at the beginning of all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.

As for the on-set “hijinx,” as “Thor: Ragnarok” star Tessa Thompson describes them in the video, they include, but are not limited to: Waititi wearing a wig, Waititi marveling at the random things the set dressers put in a scene on the alien planet of Sakaar, Waititi marveling that behind one of the doors on set was the island of Australia, and Waititi dancing with Cate Blanchett.

It goes on and on like that, and it is good.

“Thor: Ragnarok,” as you may know, came out in November and ended with a sort of cliffhanger that will lead directly into this summer’s “Avengers: Infinity War” — you can read all about that momentous occurrence here. There’s still one more Marvel movie between us and that massive teamup flick: the Ryan Coogler-directed “Black Panther,” which lands on Feb. 16 and will be taking aim at the record for biggest President’s Day weekend ever at the box office — a mark currently held by “Deadpool,” which pulled in $152 million over the four-day weekend in 2016.
