ABC Shoehorns Prince Tribute Into Priyanka Chopra Upfront Opening Musical Number

Upfronts 2016: Nice, we guess — but what exactly is the connection?

Priyanka Chopra showcased both her comedic and musical sides Tuesday afternoon in ABC’s upfront opening, when the network also elected to somewhat weirdly shoehorn in a Prince tribute.

The sentiment of throwing in a few seconds of the deceased musician’s hit song “Kiss” and some purple effects was sweet, we suppose — but it totally lacked context. The moment came towards the end of Chopra dancing and lip-syncing to an ABC-centric parody of Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk,” and there was no real bridge from one to the other.

The whole Lincoln Center, New York, event kicked off with a not-particularly-successful attempt at comedy, in which “Quantico” stars Chopra and Jake McLaughlin interrogated a bunch of other ABC talent. It was all a setup for new tagline, “It all begins with ABC.”

After the pre-taped portion, Chopra danced down the audience aisles and mouthed along to the original tune, which boasted a hook of “ABC, You Must Watch.” Then the Prince thing happened, with “Black-ish” kid Miles Brown doing his best impression of the “Little Red Corvette” singer.

At some point, one of the “Goldbergs” kids tried his hand at rapping as on-screen alter-ego Big Tasty. We’re not saying it was a lame opener overall, but TheWrap is pretty comfortable with the opinion that Jimmy Fallon still owns the top kickoff to a 2016 upfront. Read about that one here.

As for the actual business at hand, check out ABC’s 2016-2017 fall schedule here.
